Teen AdoptCONNECT is now virtual!

A silver lining of this uncertain time is that it has led us to creatively connect with one another. Families have shared the current building anxiety that accompanies the foundational questions that teen adoptees address. Your teen is housebound and seeking connection. Angela Gee and I have collaborated to create a space for teen adoptees across times zones to connect and share during this difficult time. We are now offering a twice monthly video conferencing group every other Thursday 4-5pm PST for teens age 13-19. With straight talk in a safely supervised space our drop-in groups are designed to fit and fill your teen's new schedule. 

When: Every other Thursday

Time: 4-5pm PST

Where: Zoom!


RSVP and registration required.

Contact lesli@askadoption.com or angela@angelageemft.com to register your teen.

Lesli Johnson